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Rain gutter for 20 x 20 tents

Price: $25Price (inc VAT): $28
This listing is for 20 x 20 tent rain gutters. If you're renting more than 1 tent and they will be butted together add this to your tent rental if rain is expected. The rain gutter joins two tents together and prevents water from dripping down between the tents and will help keep everything dry underneath.

Suitable For

Indoors on Hard Surface
Outdoors on Artificial Grass
Outdoors on Concrete
Outdoors on Grass
Outdoors on Grass & Dirt
Other Surface

All rentals are flat 8 hour rate!

You can schedule up to an 8 hour rental period.

Sunday & holiday rentals! (we may not be able to guarantee setup before noon on a Sunday or Holiday, if you require a setup time before noon on one of these days please call 843-514-Jump)